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BioChain’s tissue products are based on the sample repository network established following the IRB-approved ethical standard and procedures. The repository covers a wide variety of species and diseases, including human adult normal tissues, diseased and tumor tissues, as well as from animals.
Trusted by the top 500 global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic leaders for over 25 years, BioChain's biggest advocates are our customers.
FDA Standard Frozen/FFPE Tissue Array is designed according to published Guidance for Submission of Immunohistochemistry Applications to the FDA
BioChain produces a wide variety of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue microarrays from human normal, disease and tumor samples.
FFPE Tissue Panels contain a variety of human normal and tumor tissues via IRB-approved methodologies and consented donors
Reach out to us to customize your project! We offer custom sample procurement, custom frozen and FFPE tissue sectioning and more!