BioChain's Spatial Biology Symposium 2024

You can now stream our Spatial Biology Symposium 2024 on demand below. We look forward to sharing what we can accomplish with Spatial Biology!

If you have any questions or would like more details, we welcome you to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our experts!

0:00      – Introduction

3:15      – Nanostring Technologies | "Transforming translational cancer research with high-throughput, AI/ML-guided, 570-plex Immune-Proteome-Atlas (IPA) and 18,000-plex Whole Transcriptome GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiling"

26:30    – 10x Genomics | “Xenium and Visium HD: Complementary Spatial Technologies Built to Tackle Biology's Biggest Challenges”

45:35    – BioChain Institute | "Accelerating Innovation for Life Sciences - From Tissues to Biology! A Xenium-Visium case study in multiple carcinoma tissues"

1:19:48Miltenyi Biotec | “The MACSima Platform and its Application for Deciphering Alzheimer's Disease"

1:47:55Curio Bioscience | "Curio Spatial Mapping Kits - Next level whole transcriptome, high-resolution spatial omics"

2:08:01Illumina | "Exploring gene expression in normal and tumor colon tissues using Illumina’s Partek™ Flow™"

Interested in 10x Visium® or just want to learn more?

Reach out about your project with one click! Address all of your concerns or questions with our live spatial consulting to see what is best for you.